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Bushfire Planning & Requirements

New bush fire regulations and requirements were released for construction of buildings in bush fire prone areas as a result of the devastating fire in the Perth Hills in 2011. These requirements will also play a major part in the reconstruction of the town of Yarloop. Designated areas can be identifies on the Fire and Emergency website. Once it has been determined that the proposed site is in the bushfire prone area, you will need to assess your level of risk.

In order to determine the Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL), an assessment must be completed by a suitable qualified person. Once the level has been determined, the complience requirements can then be determined and confirmed. A number of factors are used in determining the BAL, including the slope of land, proximity of vegetation and types and density of vegetation.

The BALs can be one of the following:

BAL-LOW :: Very low risk (bushfire resistant construction is not required)

BAL-12.5 :: Low risk

BAL-19 :: Moderate risk

BAL-29 :: High risk

BAL-40 :: Very high risk

BAL-FZ :: Extreme Risk (Flame zone)

Depending on the attack level determined, your building designer and builder will concider the design and construction of your home and meet the requirements of the Australian Standard. The standard includes construction requirements for sub-floor enclosure, external wall materials, windows (types of required glazing or installation of screens), door requirements and roof and external attachments such as decks and verandahs.

It is difficult to say what costs will applicable to your home, as each home is different. By the time you decide to build, the designer and builder will have some good design ideas to efficiently design your home to suit the conditions.

Once the home is built, you must also maintain the building to the standard it was built - screens must not be removed, broken glass needs to be repaced with the same standard as installed, and other attachments cannot impact the complience of your building with the requirements of bushfire prone areas.

Information obtained and more available from the Master Builders Association at

  • or visit the WA Building Commission website


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